CC Moore
CARPology Features

10 top tips to staying comfortable on the bank

Achievable goals – adding one percentage at a time – are a far more successful way of improving your angling than setting yourself massive, scary targets.

“Carry a spare set of clothing, and some extra, warm clothing, in the back of your car. This will make your session far more enjoyable. If you get cold, or soaking wet, then your session is over unless you have spare clothing.” Martin Locke

“There is no such thing as being cold; it is simply a poor choice of clothing and equipment in this country as it doesn’t get too cold. I’m as tight as they come but do spend my money on comfort.” Shaun Harrison

“Two things I wouldn’t be without come the colder months are a decent two-piece undersuit (or Long Johns), and a hot water bottle. Both weigh nothing but will give you hours of warmth should you need it.” Iain Macmillan

“For me, my sleeping bag is one of the most important things I take fishing with me. If you’re cold at night, you will struggle to sleep and be tired for the rest of your session. Get yourself a good quality sleeping bag that’s up to the job.” Jon Jones

“Always ensure that you have the correct clothing for the time of year, and spare clothing should you need to change. The Nash range of clothing is second-to-none and has items to keep you comfortable 365 days of the year.” Joe Jaggar

“Quality footwear and clothing is essential, especially in the colder months. I always use Brasher boots and Buffalo mountain gear for the majority of my fishing nowadays and I have never been warmer or more comfortable.” Tim Childs

“There is nothing worse than cold wet feet so make sure you’ve got some waterproof shoes/boots. I wear Brashers through the winter along with some of their socks. Proper socks are essential.” Myles Gascoyne

“Believe it or not, I prefer not to be too comfortable on the bank, as if I am comfortable I get lazy and don’t fish well. Obviously at night I wrap up really well, but during the day I like to be really active.” Harry Charrington

“Everyone’s going to be talking about warm bags and good clothes so I’ll talk about health. In the winter months if you’ve got a cold you don’t fish effectively and I swear by Berocca tablets to help keep the lurgies at bay.” Rob Hughes

“I’m not one for bothering with huge shelters that take an age to set-up, but the one thing I do find essential on long sessions is a decent groundsheet. It’s amazing how much damp comes up through the ground.” Ian Poole