CC Moore
CARPology Features

8 mega pics from November's CARPology

Here are 10 stunning images from the latest issue of CARPology. Enjoy…


Each month in CARPology we publish over a hundred images. Here are ten of our favourite ones and they all come from the November edition. Check out all of them in this month’s edition which is in the shops right now or straight to your iPad or iPhone (links below)

The latest issue (paper)
The latest issue (digital)

A warm glow filtered through my close eyelids: Alex Norgate
It's possible for carp in their first year of growth within the UK to achieve a length of 15cm: Simon Scott
Boilies are a little more selective and big carp love them: Elliott Gray
Looking beyond the obvious: Adam Penning
Incredible markings and colours: Alex Norgate
Trap set, time to kick back and wait: Elliott Gray
Because suddenly it's more worth it: Terry Hearn
he green stuff, weed: Gaz Fareham, Subsurface Journal