8 unusual carp baits that are really cheap
We dish up some fancy additives which are different from the norm, available from supermarkets and better still, dead cheap!
1 Marmite/Bovril
Yeast extract is a massive carp-puller and these two products are packed full with the stuff.
Use in: Stick mixes or for wrapping directly around your hookbait - both are awesome additives.
2 Clear runny honey
This works so well with sweetcorn.
Use in: Get some sweetcorn, glaze it with Gale’s Runny Honey and then freeze. Also try Fructose – a perfect hookbait soak which carp just love.
3 Carnation Evaporated Milk
Brilliant when combined with Oat Groats.
Use in: Add to your spod mix if you want to create a cloudy baited zone - perfect for spodding over Zig Rigs. Also great with Bread Sticks.
4 Vegetable oils
A brilliant alternative to fish oils.
Use in: Try the following for alternatives to standard oils: pistachio nut oil, peanut, toasted sesame oil, walnut or plain olive oil - all work wonderfully.
5 Cod liver oil capsules
Get Pearls Capsules.
Use in: Fish it on the back of the Hair with your hookbait. The capsule will slowly melt and you’ll have goodness all around your hookbait. Also great for keeping crayfish away.
6 Asafoetida (Devil's Dung)
Also known as ‘Devils Dung’.
Use in: Available in both powdered form and as an essential oil and both are perfect for Stick and Method mixes. This stuff really does stink though, so be careful!
7 Fish roes
All of these work really well: pressed cod roe, lumpfish, caviare (expensive!), or fresh cod roe.
Use in: Stick mixes or blended in with boilie mixes or pastes. They can also be used in any spod mix.
8 Thai Fish Oils
Basically it’s fermented shrimp paste – i.e. it’s liquidised Belachan with fish oil - and carp love it.
Use in: Add this stuff to any Stick, Method or spod mix for massive increased attraction!