A genuine improvement
Taska: first they improved end tackle by loading it with tungsten (the Baseline range) and now they’ve taken lead-free leader material to the next level
Attention all lead-free leader lovers! Taska, the company determined to rule your tackle shed, has been working away for the past 18-months, developing and honing what is set to become the new benchmark when it comes to the second to last part of your rig set-up.
Although this European-made material may appear on the surface to look like many other lead-free leader materials, is in fact very different – woven fluorocarbon different. Evolve Leader has gone through a revolutionary manufacturing process whereby single strands of fluorocarbon are braided together to create a leader which isn’t just exceptionally easy to splice (way easier than leadcore), but one which also offers some truly unique properties.

Evolve Leader is available in two colours, Weedy Green and Camou Brown and in 30lb BS
These properties result in three awesome qualities. It’s heavy yet incredibly supple – something we discovered when we dropped a length down into the margins and watched it follow the lakebed’s contours perfectly. And thanks to being woven from fluorocarbon, and because it’s a braid, it means it is mind-blowingly high when it comes to abrasion resistance.

Unlike traditional lead-free leader materials, Evolve is made from fluorocarbon and this offers up many unique properties
Evolve also has another ace card over its competitors: it can stretch up to 25%. This means it’s not only great at offering protection to both you in a fishing situation and the fish during the fight, but it also acts as a buffer, making it very forgiving whilst playing fish under the rod tip and ultimately helping to reduce hook pulls.

It’s sold on two spool sizes: 10 and 20m
With its rated 30lb breaking strain and two colour options – Weedy Green and Camou Brown – Evolve can handle all situations. Need your leader to blend into the lakebed? Evolve. Your fishery bans leadcore? Evolve. Struggling to achieve a safe and secure splice with other materials? Then switch to Evolve.
“GIMME”: £12.99 for 10m; £19.99 for 20m; taskacarp.com