A Kryston For Every Occasion
The pioneering line specialists have a range to suit all carpers’ needs
Choosing the right main line for the task at hand is a key part of carp fishing. If you know where your angling adventures will take you this summer, then spool up with something that will aid your progress. Kryston, who invented coated braids and know everything there is to know about every type of line, have three main line options; from the toughness of Oblivion, via the fluoro-coated versatility of Krystonite, to the stealth of Snyde.
Line: Oblivion
Ideal Situation: Snaggy waters
Overview: This is a no-nonsense mono designed to be tougher than the most unforgiving of lakes and rivers. Kryston say it has the best abrasion resistance on the market, and they know their stuff so this is not some idle claim. Oblivion casts well too, with its zero-reflection matt finish and smooth, supple properties. If a campaign on the rivers or snaggy, weedy pits is on the cards for you this summer, this is proper rope that will serve you well.
Line: Krystonite
Ideal Situation: Clear water
Overview: This main line is the result of a painstaking search for the perfect co-polymer monofilament with a fluorocarbon coating. Krystonite has a super low memory and a very smooth, supple quality. It has a super low diameter for betting casting and sinks slowly. Thanks to its fluorocarbon coating it also boasts good abrasion resistance. Hard to detect underwater, it’s great for stealthy presentation on gin-clear gravel pits.
Line: Snyde
Ideal Situation: Slack lining and hit-and-hold scenarios
Overview: Snyde is a classic co-polymer monofilament designed with a watery-green hue to blend in seamlessly with the carp’s world. Once it breaks through the surface tension it sinks very well and, with a slack line, will hug the lakebed. Snyde’s other quality is its toughness. It will readily come out triumphant in a fight through weed and bottom debris, so if you need to hold on tight and win a battle of wills, this mono will stand with you.