'Actives' Now Available To All!
Sticky Baits’ ‘Active’ boilies were—and still are—proper game-changers when they were released a few years ago. However, they came with one drawback: you could only buy them in freezer form. This month that changes, with the arrival of a shelf-life version!

1. Sticky Krill Active Shelf Life
Sticky Baits is very good at making outstanding boilies, something it’s proven over and over again. Bloodworm. Krill. Manilla. Krill Active. Manilla Active. But it’s those last two which took everything to a completely different level. “The biggest change in boilie fishing, and something of a revolution for my own fishing, was the advent of the ‘Active’ boilies from Sticky,” says Adam Penning on page 41 of this very magazine. “For me, this made such a leap forward that I consider actual boilie fishing, as it was, to now be redundant. To me, the Active baits aren’t even boilie fishing—they don’t even look like boilies when the outer coat has dissolved—and you can get such a strong reaction of fizzing and preoccupation, something you simply didn’t get with whole, uncoated baits.”
But until now, only those anglers who have freezer facilities could cash in on its exceptional make-up. Thankfully, that’s all changing this autumn!
Undergoing the same unique processes as the freezer version, liquids are pumped into the bait, which is then combined with powders to create a durable, yet super soluble and attractive paste wrap. As Adam rightly pointed out, once submerged in water, this outer coating breaks down slowly, releasing levels of attraction that far surpass that of a standard boilie.
Thanks to Sticky’s use of pure liquids, with high natural salt content, the Krill Active Shelf Life boilies are as close to fresh as we can possibly make them, with minimal preservatives, while still retaining their useability and ease of storage with no need to freeze.
Krill Active Shelf Life is available in 1 and 5kg bags, in sizes 12, 16, 20 and 24mm.

2. Active Pop-Ups
Whilst ‘Tuff Ones’ hookbaits are available to match the Active boilies, pop-ups aren’t—well, until now. After two years of tirelessly crafting and testing, Sticky have finally created the ultimate Active pop-up! Both the Krill and Manilla feature a fluffy, light outer coating, which has a neutral buoyancy. This means your pop-ups can be counterbalanced perfectly prior to casting out, and you can rest assure your hookbait is sitting perfectly for days if necessary! Just like the boilies, once submersed, the outer coating breaks away and flutters slowly down to the lakebed, surrounding your hookbait in a halo of attraction.
Only available in 16mm pop-ups, these hookbaits are suitable for heavy-duty presentations, such as Chod or Hinge Rigs, but can also be used on more delicate rigs too, such as the Ronnie or Multi Rig.