April 2025 Issue
CARPology Reviews

Attention: Dictionary update...

Nimbostratus: a cloud – i.e. A mass of water droplets or ice crystals. Souper zig mix: a cloud – i.e. A mass of carpy attraction that will rain bites!

Activ-8, Cell and Hybrid are all words synonymous with Mainline Baits, so much so that it is easy to forget that the Essex-based company actually produce around 250 other products. That’s a long list of carp-catching baits that’s just got that little bit longer with the addition of the exciting new product we’re taking a look at this month: the new Souper Zig Mix!

Having just hit the shops, CARPology decided to find out more by catching up with one of the anglers who’s been putting the mix through it paces: Windsor-based carper, Wayne Mansford.

Just one of the fish Wayne has been catching while testing the Souper Zig Mix

Wayne, tell us what this mix all about?
“Basically the Souper Zig Mix is a groundbait-like mix that’s been put together by the guys at Mainline to create an attractive cloud in the upper layers of the water, making it ideally suited for using with Zigs.”

You say the mix is groundbait-like?
“Yeah, the mix is very similar to the groundbaits that most anglers will have used for Zig fishing in the past, but with some small differences. For example, when I’ve used groundbaits to create a sloppy mix, I’d add a few extra bits – crushed particles that sort of thing, but these are already included in the Souper Zig Mix. You don’t have to add anything, just water from the lake in front of you.”

The Souper Zig Mix is designed to create a suspended cloud of attraction in the upper layers that’S perfectly suited to Zig fishing

It’s really easy to put the mix together – just add lake water and it’s ready to go!

That sounds easy enough. Does it matter how much water you add?
“The mix is really easy to make-up. You don’t need to be too precise when adding lake water, just as long as you don’t do it in one go – a little at a time is best – that way you can have the consistency just how you like it. For example, if you want the mix to hit the water and sink a good few feet as it spreads, say over deep water Zigs or those closer to the deck, then add less water for a thicker, more dense mix. For a large spread throughout the upper layers, use more water and the mix will disperse as soon as it hits the surface. I find you can get the mix quite sloppy and still comfortably cast it with a Spomb.

“The mix has been designed to create a ‘suspended’ cloud and that’s what it’ll do perfectly: generating masses of attraction for long periods, with little slow sinking particles, flavours and tastes diffusing through the upper layers and water column.

“One good tip is to take a small handful of your mix and throw it into the edge (not directly in front of your peg, unless you like ducks and swans bumping into your rods) to see how it reacts. Like I’ve said, if it sinks a little quicker than you like then add a touch more water.”

Make-up the mix a little at a time until you reach your desired consistency

Even a sloppy mix can be comfortably cast with a Spomb

Okay, so there’s no need to add anything, but what if you want to? Is that possible or will it spoil the mix?
“No, adding a few things won’t spoil anything – you just don’t need too. Like I’ve said, the guys at Mainline have made this mix so that it is complete and ready to work on its own. The 4kgs of mix already incorporates active ingredients, enhancers and feed stimulates, but… that isn’t to say you can’t increase this attraction if you wish. The Particle & Pellet Syrups for example are the perfect partner for the mix – liquid attractants that are denser than water, which will diffuse throughout the water column just like the Zig Mix. I also quite like adding some pellets to the mix as well, and sometimes corn. This can help you match your hookbait to the mix with mini Pineapple Juice pop-ups or yellow foam. The mix can really bring on some competitive feeding within the carp sometimes, so it also helps to have a few extra food items in the mix to help hold the fish.”

Thanks Wayne, the mix looks great and as you’ve shown, it’s really easy to make-up and use – we want some!

“GIMME”: 4kg, £13.99;

Buy now

When the fish are really ‘on-it’ adding some pellets can help hold the fish

Corn is another good addition to the mix – especially when it comes to matching the hookbait

Particle & Pellet Syrups can increase the attraction of the mix