Avid Carp Pindown and Captive ranges
Avid’s Pindown and Captive collections...
From lead-free leader materials and coated hooklinks to super supple braids and easy-to-use stiff rig filaments, Avid’s Pindown and Captive collections will cover all your last 6ft needs…
1. Pindown Unleaded Leader
Avid claims that Unleaded is a massive improvement on the current crop of lead-free leader materials and we tend to agree. More supple than leadcore; heavier than leadcore; more camouflaged than leadcore; thinner than leadcore; beats fishery rules unlike leadcore. It would seem leadcore sucks when it goes head-to-head against Avid’s super limp, will-follow-every-contour-on-the-lakebed Pindown Unleaded material. And even though it has a low profile, it’s still very easy to splice. Available in Weed/Silt and Gravel/Clay, in 45 or 65lb breaking stains and comes on 10 metre spools. “GIMME”: £10.99 and £11.99; avidcarp.com
2. Ready-Tied Pindown Leaders
Lead-free leader materials are welcome on ‘leadcore banned’ venues, and thanks to Avid you now don’t have the fiddly job of splicing. Constructed from the super strong, fast sinking, super supple Pindown Unleaded Leader material, they come with two small loops perfectly spliced at either end, making them ideal for a whole host of differenct presentations, from lead clip arrangements to helicopter presentations. Available in Weed/Silt or Gravel/Clay in 45lb or 65lb. “GIMME”: £6.99 for three
3. Pindown Hooklink
Avid made sure they covered all the bases with their newest hooklink material – a product which the brand claims sinks like a stone thanks to its PTFE fibre braid. Like their Pindown Leader material, this is fast sinking and virtually disappears on the bottom. And due to the low diameter of the material, you don’t need to splice it – you can tie knots in it like conventional hooklinks. “GIMME”: £9.99
4. Captive Stiff Rig Filament
The stiff rig fanatics rejoice. Captive Stiff Rig Filament is a stiff, high memory mono which does away with the hassles of steaming to form the perfect curve for your Chod Rigs and hooking sections on your Hinged Stiff Rigs. The other big pluses are its low diameter, meaning it will pass through the eye of most hooks, and its clear coloured so it’s virtually invisible in water. “GIMME”: £5.99
5. Captive Coated Hooklink
Sure, most coated hooklinks make for easy rig tying, but there’s a catch: they don’t tend to be very abrasion resistant. Still, Avid has our back with Coated Hooklink: a super abrasion resistant material that’s actually significantly finer than their competitors but yet still retains incredible knot strength. It’s also now available in four breaking strains: 15, 20, 25 and 35lb and in three new colours: Weed (green), Gravel (brown) and Silt (black). “GIMME”: £13.99
6. Captive Braided Hooklink
As we write, there are manufacturers the world over trying to produce a better braided hooklink than this, and, to put it bluntly, they can’t. The combination of the extremely supple, slow sinking braid and the camouflaged colour make-up means it’s ideal for open water, light weed, or over sand and in silt. Available in 15 or 25lb breaking strain. “GIMME”: £8.99