Baiting on gravel
How to get the best and most accurate baiting scenario
Often enough, gravel is a totally raised feature – sometimes it’s raised a few feet and other times it can be a lot further. Either way, baiting is incredibly important and if you want everything to be where it counts then you’ll need to bait differently when fishing over a silty, softer bottom.
Chopped and mis-shaped baits
With the gravel feature being raised, if you use a standard round bait you will often find it’ll roll down the side of the hump and end up at the bottom of the shelf away from your rig. One way to combat this is to fish a bait that isn’t round. Particles and pellets are automatically a bait type that will stay put and won’t move as easily but have you ever considered fishing chopped or halved boilies? Giving them flat sides will not only make them stay where required but it will also leak the attractors into the water a lot quicker.
Introducing your chops
When it comes to introducing your chops, then there is no better way than with a Spomb/spod. If you use the line clip on your reel and accurately hit the clip and far bank marker over and over again, then you can achieve an incredibly tight and accurate bed of bait. The most important thing is to be accurate as the gravel spots are often very small, go off the spot and you’re often baiting up down the bottom of the shelf; a considerable distance away from your baited rig!