Berkley Connect CB2000 Braid
It’s thin, has zero-stretch and is brutally strong: the new braided main line from Berkley
When a global angling superpower like Berkley drops a new line, you’d be mad not to take a really close look! The fertile minds that brought us the legendary Whiplash now present CB2000, which sits within their new Direct Connect range.
The US development team, with the finest cutting-edge research at their fingertips, set their sights on producing another world class braided main line and, in the shape of this line, it looks a lot like they’ve done just that! It’s aimed squarely at us carpers, rather than being a braid that’s been made for all markets, so the signs are already encouraging, right? But, if you’re a braid fan, and frankly even if you aren’t, we can sense that there are a few questions on your lips…
What’s so special about this braided line then?
Well, you may have heard about unique properties of Dyneema, which is the World’s strongest fibre. This braided main line is PURELY made from Dyneema fibres. Think about it: made entirely from the WORLD’S strongest fibre. That gives unparalleled strength and abrasion resistance with the added bonus that its knot strength stays super-high too, despite your clumsy attempts at a Grinner! Its eight-carrier construction is the benchmark for quality too…
What the heck is eight-carrier?
Eight carrier means that there are eight strands of fibres woven together within the body of the braid. The more carriers, the higher the quality, and the pricier the braid. Translated into layman’s terms, this stuff is top of the tree.
Will I find one for me in the range?
You’re well covered, whatever fishing you do. There are seven braids in the range, which run from 0.16mm 25lb, right up to 0.40mm 80lb. CB2000 comes on 900m spools, which will should fill three big pit reels, although we’d always advise you back them up!
Is it going to blend in?
The development team settled on a subtle Moss Green colour for the range because they felt that it would blend in with most lakebed situations. We’d have to agree, it looks just right for most carp fishing.
It’s tough then?
Damn right it is. Its toughness is perhaps CB2000’s biggest asset. Dyneema has incredible abrasion resistance, so it’ll make short work of most snags, bars or other such underwater obstacles that might trouble other main lines. The heavier breaking strain versions will make superb casting and snag leaders too!
So, can I cast it a long way?
As the Yanks would say, “You Betcha!” Its strength-to-diameter ratio makes it a formidable casting line, which whispers through the air, causing minimal drag. Remember, because there’s ZERO stretch in braid, you can compress your carbons quicker and therefore cast further too!
Historically braid is expensive, so I’m guessing this is going to cost me my marriage if it’s that good?
Well you’d be wrong. Okay, a penny short of £90.00 for 900m of main line is expensive – in whatever language you say it – but when it’s braided main line, that’s pretty darn awesome – especially when it’s of this calibre. berkley-fishing.com