Bigger, better, faster, stronger
CARPology takes Trakker’s brand-spanking new X-Trail Galaxy Barrow for a little spin (read: it moved like shit off a supersonic shovel)
Competition to carry your kit has come out of all corners over the past few years. Some have been grossly overweight; others far too over-engineered; and the occasional three-wheeler which not only looks shit, but can also be a complete nightmare to manoeuvre. However, we’ve seen one clear winner emerge and that comes from our Northern pals at Trakker. Late last year they launched the X-Trail Gravity Barrow: the one-wheeled, no-nonsense barrow which we described as a “hot hatch on steroids”. Thanks to a new handle style, it meant the fiercely competitively priced Gravity had an extended ‘sweet spot’, which not only made it insanely easy to push but a dream to manoeuvre – even in wet and super muddy conditions.
So how does this latest addition to the X-Trail collection, the Galaxy Barrow, better the original? By once again focusing on those handles.

For the most part, this new bigger brother is pretty much on par with the Gravity. It combines superior stability and excellent performance over all terrains; in fact, it’s so well balanced you don’t really need bungee ropes, but in case you want that added extra security, Trakker have built-in four attachment points. It has the same ‘extended sweet spot’ and by this we mean it allows you to get more weight over the load-bearing front wheel. It’s made from the same super-strong steel and aluminium construction and features a large pneumatic front wheel. And although it measures 5cms longer than the Gravity, it will still pack-away into any boot, yet when it performs its Transformer act, it’s big enough to cope with that mountain of gear you insist on taking on each session.
Where they do differ, though, is with its new and very clever foldable handle design. Unlike the Gravity where the handles are straight and have to be removed each time you pack the barrow away, the Galaxy’s simply fold over, creating a really fast-to-breakdown/set-up-yet-super-compact-packed-away barrow. Said handles are also very kind on your hands too, featuring moulded, ergonomically-designed EVA hand grips that function in all conditions.

There are other similarities, of course, to the Gravity. There’s the super-handy deep, spacious storage bag with zipped lid; side rails for both extra security and pannier bags which Trakker sell as add-on extras; a built-in mud-guard which prevents splash back from the barrow wheel; large thumbscrews have been used throughout for ease of locking and tried and tested ‘Twist & Lock’ knobs ensure that the barrow’s rear legs lock into position during use. Clearly, it’s nothing short of a barrow hero.

So load it up, go from being a ‘two-tripper’ guy to a ‘one’, and push it with total ease. This, CARPologists, is one seriously go-anywhere barrow that won’t hit the bank balance too hard.
“GIMME”: £189.99; trakkerproducts.co.uk

Not suitable for girls!
Trakker’s answer to adding even more stability to your barrow
If selling everything from sleeping bags to some of the best bivvies in the world wasn’t enough, the masters of anything plastic and fabric, Trakker, are now offering you some top-notch accessories too, such as this, the Wide Wheel. It’s suitable for both the X-Trail models (Gravity and the Galaxy), is frighteningly easy to fit, comes with two spacers and thanks to measuring a whopping 12.5 x 34cm, it means you get increased stability and improved traction thanks to the super deep tread. Trakker, we send you the manly nod of extreme impressedness.
“GIMME”: £54.99