Customised hookbaits
Forget fruity flavoured, perfectly rolled 10mm pop-ups; DNA Baits have a new concept when it comes to hookbaits and it’s set to transform your angling…
For a company which began life as a regional concern just six years ago, it’s quite incredible to see what DNA Baits have achieved in that teeny amount of time. But then it’s quite easy to see why with such unique products like this, their new EVO Hookbait Range.
14-months in the making and the result is this: a completely customisable hookbait system like no other you’ve ever seen, used or dreamt of. DNA state it’s an advanced DIY hookbait concept that has been created to get your hookbait taken first, and quickly, in any baiting scenario, and, given what’s in these hookbaits, you can see why that claim stacks up.
The hookbaits themselves, of which there are around 50, are salt cured which of course means they’re super attractive to the carp way before you even add the ‘wrap’ (more on that shortly) due to the boost levels of soluble ingredients contained in the bait. This, along with the increased osmosis created by the curing process of the hookbait means that you have a higher and more sustained level of attractors released right from the core of the bait. And this is just the start!
Primarily, the EVO Hookbaits concept is based around a high concentrate of amino acids that are not only super attractors but they dissipate in the water and pull fish in. These come in the form of the supplied 50g sachet of Highly Soluble Powdered Food Additive and 50ml bottle of Highly Soluble Liquid Additive.

Each pack contains: 1 x tub of Salt Cured, 15mm Boosted Bottom Baits, 1 x 50g Sachet of Highly Soluble Powdered Food Additive, 1 x 50ml bottle of Highly Soluble Liquid Additive, 1 x Instructional Leaflet, 1 x Measuring Spoon
Although there is a very detailed step-by-step guide included to creating the ‘wrap’ part of the hookbait, in essence it involves mixing the powder and liquid and then allowing the baits to air-dry for 24hrs so they can create a skin on the bait.
The complete ‘Kit’ comes in four options: Nuttas, SLK, Oceanx and Secret 7, but DNA do also sell ‘Separates’ – the Liquid Attractors, Cured Bottom Baits and Powdered Additives, meaning you can pick and mix and use different combos as you wish, helping you to create a totally bespoke and unique hookbait like no other.
Carp anglers are now looking for that edge. And that edge is not just against the fish, it’s against the guy next-door and that’s why the buzzword on this is ‘customisation’. These hookbaits are an all-year-round concept, especially pre- and post-spawning, and during this era when almost every rig going out into the pond has some kind of brightly coloured addition, having such a natural hookbait like this is, without a doubt, a major edge.
“GIMME”: Kits: £15.99; Separates: Liquid, £3.99; Cured Bottom Baits, £7.99; Powdered Additives, £3.99; dnabaits.com