Do moon phases really affect carp?
Do the moon phases really affect fish’s feeding habits? Karl Read, via e-mail
Lewis Read says: “There seems to be some very strong circumstantial evidence to suggest that there is a strong link between moon phases and there are patterns of carp feeding and more importantly some big carp captures that seem to follow a trend dictated by the phase.
“There are various theories bandied about as to what causes a freshwater species (in this case a carp) to react to the cyclic rhythm of moon and tide. Most think that it is an ingrained memory built into the fish’s behaviour by their evolution in the sea over millions of years (before they became freshwater species and evolved into the fish they are today).
“I reckon that is bunkum! Sorry, but I am a firm believer that the behavioural response of the carp is more likely to be down to a reaction to invertebrate activity as many species of aquatic invertebrate have been shown to react to moon phases. For instance, some species maybe triggered to hatch by a particular moon. This would give the carp good reason to go on a feeding rampage, harvesting as much of the now visible pupae as they can before they make their way to the surface and fly away, rather than reacting to a non-existent tidal force. I’ve read that there are links between weather cycles and moon phase also and this would be worth looking into.”