April 2025 Issue
CARPology Reviews

Edwards Custom Upgrades MK1 R-Plus

The already-awesome Edwards Custom Upgrades MKI Compact gets a refresh and boy it’s good!

Scott Edwards is a man who knows his alarms. We’re talking inside out, back to front and blindfolded. His UK-made, original ECU MKI Compacts took the high-end bite alarm market by storm a few years back, and rightly so. It’s frankly impossible to overhype the quality of these buzzers, they’re that good. So, when Scott announced the next generation of MKI Compacts, we were naturally excited… which is a massive understatement… So, what’s new?

Visually, the R-Plus is a lovely mix of old school and new

1. They’re… Well… More compact!

So, the MKI R-Plus Compacts are a little slimmer than their older brothers, think more Neville dimensions. Ever since the promo pictures dropped, we’ve been salivating at the thought of getting our hands on a set. They don’t disappoint in the flesh; every button, LED, switch and detail is just perfect. They’re a modern classic in every way.

2. Mute Function

So, you want to set your bobbins without switching the alarm heads off. You either fiddle with the volume, or suck up the looks of pure disdain from the next swim as your alarm warbles away. Not with the MKI R-Plus Compact. Instead, simply tap the mute button and you’ve got 30 seconds to do the do. Double-tap it and you’ve got a minute to make sure your bobbins are perfectly level.

3. Range Testing

Okay, so it’s a controversial one, but let’s imagine that you’re having a brew, one swim down on a snag-free venue, but you’re not sure if your receiver has the guts to pick up the signal from your alarms. The R-Plus Receiver has a range-test function that means you don’t have to leave your trot-box with your mate and pull your bobbins to rest easy.

4. Multi-Coloured LED setting

Now this is seriously cool. There’s no more regret at choosing an LED colour that’s not your thing anymore. With the MKI R-Plus Compact range you can toggle through the whole gamut of LED colours at the touch of a button. You can mix it up, or go for a full-matching set-up; Scott has put it in your hands!

5. LED Dimmer Button

Kinda self-explanatory, right? You can use the L button on the alarm to achieve just the right level of LED brightness for your taste. Now that’s pimping!
“GIMME”: £149.99 for a single head, right up to £649.99 for a Four-Rod Presentation Set

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