Conquer Linear’s Manor Farm
Thanks to our in-depth venue map and a host of ‘venue experts’ who divulge their best secrets…
Chris Blunt
“To be honest, it’s hard to pick one favourite swim on Manor. Over the years I’ve probably caught more fish from Swim 1 and The Brown Swim, but if I had to chose just one area it would be Swims 5 and 6 – The Big Double on The Road Bank. This was the first ever swim I fished at Linear back in 1993 and one I’ve had some very memorable captures from.
“There are no major features/bars in front of this swim, just areas of weed, silt and gravel. Normally I would fish the right-side margin with one rod and then two more rods fished to open water spots at either 20 or 50yds depending on the weed. This area always benefits from a big southerly wind and if the fish move on it the sport can be brilliant.”
Lee Collins
“My favourite swim on Manor has to be The Brown swim, as this seems to be a consistent swim and throws up a lot of big fish. I fish two rods out to the visible humps; I have found the furthest one to be the most productive and this is around 115yds to the base of the hump in 6ft of water. It seems be to an area that holds fish as it’s shallower water. I have done well fishing this spot with solid bags over a bed of hemp and pellet.
“My other rod is fished at a telegraph pole on the horizon between Swim 4 and 5 at about 60yds. I have done well just fishing this rod with a solid bag on its own.”
Tom Maker
“In the past I have fished many of the swims, however, I have found the best swims to be either The Willow or The Brown swim; these swims are on the far river side of the lake and control a hell of a lot of water. Although Manor is known to get very weedy, these swims always have large clear areas out in front of them so can be fished effectively all year round.
“As the lake now holds in excess of eight fish over 40lb, it is more of a boilie rather than a particle water, however, on the day either tactic will work, but I like to use small hookbaits in solid PVA bags cast them around at showing fish.”
Harry Charrington
“There are loads of great swims on Manor but I would probably say the third Road Bank swim is my favourite. It’s a very consistent swim in the colder months and between 85 and 90yds there is a lovely little silty depression that has done me proud in the past. You can also fish at range should the fish be sitting out in the middle.”
Tim Childs
“One of my favourite swims on Manor has got to be Peg 9: Witney Point’ and this is especially so when there’s a southeast wind blowing. It’s a superb spot to intercept fish as they move along The Witney Bank into the bay to the left and along The Road Bank. I fish from close-range to 70 or 80yds and there are a number of spots to present on throughout the swim.
“Solid PVA bags fished either on their own or over bait have been very successful for me over the years in this swim.”

Key information...
Brief history of the lake: Fished by every big name, including the likes of Terry Hearn, Frank Warwick and Adam Penning, and held some equally big named fish, such as The Random Linear and Pin Scale. A mature lake and ideal for those who want a challenge and big fish.
How to get there: Situated close to Oxford on the B4449 between Stanton Harcourt and the A415 Witney road. For your SatNav tap in: OX29 7QE.
Difficulty: Back in the day, Manor was a reputedly hard venue, but since it was re-stocked some years back, a bite is always on the cards.
It’s going to cost you… Up to 12hrs: two rods, £15; three rods, £21. Up to 24hrs: two rods, £22 and three rods, £27.
Contact: 07885 327708