April 2025 Issue
Liam Woolcott Features

Does Photography Matter?

Liam Woolcott with a few reasons why photography plays a huge part in modern angling!

Photography allows us anglers to show off our kit, captures, venues, and landscape. Providing us with a clear shot of what we all love, about the carping scene. All be it, using our mobiles or DSLR cameras. We all love sharing our exposures via social media such as Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.

Some anglers “not all” provide these images for possible attention from companies, for a path or desire to achieve. But unfortunately, most anglers do not get a response they require, that may be due to quality, wording, hashtags #, or composure.” Now I am not here to explain how to suck eggs, but to eagerly help all fellow anglers on their exposures”!

Composure may sound confusing, but it is a term used in photography as the (setting up of the exposure), in layman’s terms, “the position of the camera for a good image”. For example, check out the photos below.

This may be a simple rod shot with good quality, but it has no valuable composition. But by moving the DSLR, to a different angle you can create a much better composition and exposure (Image). With the different angle (composure), it has left us with a clear quality rod shot that is worthy.

So just by changing your angle or approach you change your composition, so instead of rushing to get an image, slow down and look through the screen or view glass to allow for a better composed image. This will in turn, will lead you into a better response on the social media accounts! Photography is a key element in todays society, being good behind a camera can lead you anywhere. 

By selecting the correct lens and getting the fish in frame, it was quite easy to achieve. If you are new to a DSLR then, the best automatic mode on Nikon is the Macro setting for your trophy shots. This aids in blurring the background to really bring your exposure into focus.


Now, with a mobile phone if you do not have a DSLR, most phones enable a mode called portrait mode. Which in turn gives you the same style outcome, without the high-end quality.

Here is an image of the Macro mode on my DSLR for one of my trophy shots…


So like I said I am not here to teach you to suck eggs, just simply create a better feed, portfolio, on Instagram, Facebook etc. For anglers by an addicted carp angler and photographer. A better feed on the media will in turn create rewards, most companies are searching for the right type of candidate, providing etiquette, sharp photography and captures. A simple click of a button is great, but its not an image that will really kick off. Remember slow down and find that point on the screen or view glass, that makes a lot of difference. Consistency will provide you with reward….

I hope this helps you along your path in the carp mad world, a decent feed or portfolio will provide you with some great feedback! Here are some images that I have taken that you could try to replicate, feel free to send them to me. (Instagram @liamwoolcott1)

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