CC Moore
CARPology Features

How to choose the right test curve spod rod

Follow these simple steps to choose the right test curve for you

Different test curves (this is the weight required to bring the tip to a 90-degree angle to the butt while the butt is held horizontally) mean different styles of spod and distances that can be achieved. You need to consider what you’re buying the spod rod for: a top-end Bruce Ashby Rocketeer XP which has a test curve of around 6lbs isn’t going to be able to cast a light 2oz Gardner Pocket Rocket any distance or with any accuracy, whereas a 2.5lb general carp rod which could cast this spod with total accuracy isn’t capable of casting a 10oz spod which the XP could.

3lb test curve

Using such a light test curved rod means you’ll only be able to use small spods (Pocket Rocket), but because their weight will be perfectly balanced you’ll have total control and overall better accuracy. Good up to distances of 80yds.

Brands to look for: Standard carp rods (i.e. your normal fishing rods)

4lb test curve

This is a test curve you’d now class as a standard spod rod. Although it’s way more beefier than your standard fishing rod, pick a good one and you’ll not really notice the difference and you’ll be able to compress it with total ease. Perfect for standard sized spods: Korda Skyliner or a Spomb.

Brands to look for: Daiwa Mission X, Nash H-Gun, Grey’s Spod Plus

5lb test curve

A rod like this is a specialist piece of kit and to get the very best from it, you need to be able to compress it fully, which means using large and heavy spods. It’s when you’re picking a rod in this category that choosing the right one really matters and good examples are listed below.

Brands to look for: Bruce Ashby’s Rocketeer, SONIK’s SK4XTR and Free Spirit’s Hi-‘S’ Spod.