CC Moore
CARPology Features

How to measure a gravel bar

Measuring the length of a feature - whether it is a plateau or a bar

To measure the length of a feature, be it a plateau or bar, you simply use sky-markers on the far bank, whether that’s trees, telegraph poles or buildings. For the width (the backside to the nearside) of the feature it comes down to bank space. If you’re limited on space you can mark your main line with tape or Magic Marker once you come into contact with the feature, then pull back until you come off the nearside and mark again and then take a reading of the distance.

If bankside space isn’t an issue, then stand at the water’s edge as you normally would but once you feel the first taps of the feature start walking back with the rod held at the same angle and position and count the number of footsteps you take. By doing it this way it will give you a proper visual of how wide the feature is because you’ve almost drawn it out on the bank.