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How to use the washing line trick

And keep your main line out of sight

The Washing Line Trick is an incredibly effective method when it comes to keeping your main line totally out of the water apart from a small section close to your end tackle. This method takes a bit of practise to get right and it can only be done on marginal spots which are easily accessible from the bank. Not only does it give you the advantage of keeping your line free of the water, but it also means that you are a good distance away from the spot which ensures noise and disturbance is kept to a very minimum.

The equipment which you will need for this is a storm stick, a small length of cord that is attached to the top of the pole and a clothes peg (you can also use a rubber band or a Solar Tackle Micro Adjustable Line Clip), a long baiting pole with a spoon on the end.

1. Firstly, make your cast with a bare lead across to the far bank and leave your rod on the rests with the bail arm open.
2. Now, push your storm pole into the bank close to the edge just in front of your desired spot.
3. Place your rig and end tackle into the spoon and gently slide it out into position whilst keeping the line above your leader in your other hand on the bank.
4. Drop your rig and clip your line into the clothing peg on the storm pole, ensuring that it is reasonably tight between the rig and the peg.
5. Finally, walk back to your swim and gently tighten the line until it is bowstring tight to the peg (ensuring that you don’t knock it out of the clip). When a carp picks up your rig and gets hooked, you will receive a massive drop-back where the line has been pulled out of the clothing peg on the far bank. This method ensures that there is no line for the shyest of fish to spook over.