CC Moore
CARPology Features

Seven indispensable leadcore tips

Follow these seven top leadcore tips and you won't go far wrong

1 A cheap and easy way to store your ready-tied leadcore leaders is to place them in a film canister.

2 Stretch your leadcore leader out before casting. Hold the lead in one hand and the end of the leader in the other and then pull – hard. This removes any kinks and bends and tightens the outer-coating.

3When splicing or tying a Needle Knot, if you ‘stretch-break’ the inner lead it will poke through the side of the outer-coating. If you break it cleanly – i.e. with a pair of scissors, this won’t happen.

4 After catching a fish, always check to see if any of the outer-coating is frayed. If it is, redo it – like you’d change a hook if it were blunt.

5 Don’t go mental with the length of leader – use one you’re happy casting with. Nash consultant, Nigel Sharp uses 6ft ones – tip to spigot.

6 If you’re fishing into a hole in the weed, a shorter length is sometimes better than a 6ft one.

7 It is essential that you use leadcore correctly. Whatever set-up you tie, always ensure that everything comes off the end in the event of a crack-off or a snagged fish.