April 2025 Issue
CARPology Features

The greatest ‘on a roll’ results

Whilst most of us are happy if we can go two sessions without a blank, for these chaps it seemed they couldn’t go a session without banking a forty!

By ‘roll’ we mean those periods of time were it’s as though you can do no wrong. One biggie follows the last and as a result your confidence, motivation and enthusiasm are all at their absolute peak. A lucky few in the carp world have had their fair share of good ‘rolls’ over the years, but this collection which lays printed before you is the crčme de la crčme…

Terry Hearn

PERIOD OF TIME November 1996 to October 1997.
HE CAUGHT… Wraysbury One’s Mary at a British record weight of 55lb 13oz, along with Mallins at 40lb 10oz on the same trip in November 1996. Eight months later, Tel banked The Mere’s Black Mirror at 48lb 10oz and in the October of 1997, he landed Conningbrook’s Two-Tone at 50lb 13oz!
KEY NOTES “Even by today’s standards they’d be classed as huge fish, but back in the day they really were the cream of the crop, and so to catch all three inside a year was definitely a bit of a purple patch. The result of a young and focused mind, free from responsibilities and clutter, combined with being on the right waters at the right times with good bait and the super duper Hinged Stiff Link.”

Ian Poole

PERIOD OF TIME Spring 2005: 21 nights fished between middle of March and the end of April.
HE CAUGHT… 42 fish over the 21 nights, totally around 18 different thirties including many of the biggest fish currently in the lake – Wellington Country Park: Big Head at 37lb, Lumpy, Lumpy’s Mate, Split Tail twice at 39lb 2oz, ‘The Big Common’, ‘The Linear’, ‘The Big Ghostie’ and ‘Folded Tail’.
KEY NOTES “The lake was still quite pressured but I seemed to get an area going and I could always get back in there. Unlike the other guys, I was fishing just particles and it worked brilliantly.”

Nigel Sharp

PERIOD OF TIME The year of 2008.
HE CAUGHT… 22 thirties and three forties from five different waters and these included Road Lake’s Dink and
Nigel’s Fish from Sandhurst.
KEY NOTES “The majority of the fish were caught using Nigel’s signature Chod Rig and one of the fish caught from the undisclosed lake was Nigel’s second biggest surface caught carp.”

Jon McAllister

PERIOD OF TIME April 2007 to June 2008.
HE CAUGHT… Six fish over 45lb… Stella at 45lb+ braced The Northern Linear at 47lb+ with Annie at 59lb 2oz from Manor Farm in Essex. He then caught The Mother from Elstow, Bruno from White Swan at 47lb+ and then finally The Royal Forty from Richmond Park.

Kev Hewitt

PERIOD OF TIME Seven day period between May 6th-12th 2005.
HE CAUGHT… Over five nights on Linear Fisheries’ Manor, Kev managed 39 fish which included five different thirties with the biggest being ‘The Birthmark Linear’ at 36lb followed up by ‘The Big Stocky’ 34lb 3oz and ‘The Long Nose Mirror’ 31lb 10oz.
KEY NOTES “This session was actually during my university exams! I did three nights revising in the bivvy, drove back to Plymouth for my two exams and then drove back to Manor for another two nights! It clearly worked though: I got a 2.1!”

Ian Chillcott

PERIOD OF TIME January 2012 to November 2012
HE CAUGHT… 15 fish over thirty-pounds and three forties topped by The Scar Fish at 43lb 12oz from Westhampnett. He followed this up with three fish over 30lb from North Lake at Yateley, along with his target fish from Manor Farm – Spike at 44lb 6oz.
KEY NOTES “This was the first year in 20 years that my wife Lynne hasn’t had to spend considerable amounts of time in and out of hospital.”

Dave Lane

PERIOD OF TIME February 2011 to November 2011
HE CAUGHT… Deep breath… The Monks Common at 46lb along with a further four fish in one session. He stayed on there for three months, fishing two nights a week and ended up with 42 fish, five over 40 and lots of thirties. Dave then moved on to Black Swan on June 16th and caught around 40 fish up until 1st November. No forties but plenty of thirties and one of the known forties at a lower weight.
KEY NOTES “During this period I landed over 100 fish across the nine months and this also included nine magazine day features of which I caught on every occasion.”

Bill Cottam

PERIOD OF TIME Saturday-to-Saturday, seven-day session at Luke Moffatt’s Graviers in October 2008.
HE CAUGHT… 26 fish including 12 thirties, 9 forties, three fifties, a 64lb 2oz and a 76lb 4oz!
KEY NOTES “I lost the famous ‘Scar Fish’ at the net on the first morning of angling… this was at a time when it was potentially going to be the world’s first 90lber!”

Darrell Peck

PERIOD OF TIME 29th-31st January 2013
HE CAUGHT… Two 26lb mirrors, a 33lber, 38lber, 40lb common and a 57lb mirror!
KEY NOTES “I didn’t think it would be possible to top catching a 40lb common in January, but the very next day I went on to land the biggest fish in the lake – a 57lb mirror known as Single Scale!”