April 2025 Issue
Dave Lane Bait

Freezer Bait Enhancement

Having problems keeping your boilies in top condition on the bank? Well Dave Lane has the perfect answer!

FOR MOST OF MY FISHING, particularly in the warmer months, I like to air-dry all my bait before use. This not only extends the life of the bait on the bank, but it firms it up nicely for use in throwing sticks. Once dried correctly and then treated with the matching Activator liquid, the bait will last for weeks on the bank or, just as easily, it can be frozen. Again, it’ll last for weeks once thawed out, but as soon as it goes into the water it becomes ‘active’ and starts to break down in the same way a fresh bait would.

I like to air-dry my bait before use - spreading the bait out in single layers on mesh or cardboard boxes

You’ll need a large, flat surface to dry a good quantity of bait, as you need them to be spread in a single layer, rather than stacked, trapping moisture between the baits. In the past, I’ve used the bed of a trampoline, a quantity of cardboard boxes or, more simply, the gravel driveway and an old net curtain or something with a similar net-mesh. Part of the net-mesh can be covered in a layer of bait and the remainder folded over to prevent the birds from stealing your precious boilies - my chickens love a bit of Mainline! I usually like to give a bait at least two days out in the sun and wind, bringing it in at night to prevent moisture getting to it.

The Dedicated Activators are the liquid blends used to make the boilies, so it makes sense to use these liquids to rehydrate and enhance the baits

Once the baits have dried out, I simply put a couple of kilos at a time in a large bucket and pour over a healthy glug of the Activator liquid that matches the bait. Then, with the lid firmly on, I shake the bucket about to coat the baits equally. I then re-dry them for a few hours to allow the liquid to penetrate the baits. You’re now ready to either refreeze or just store the baits in a bucket ready for use… perfect!


Dip your dumbells!

For hookbaits, I’m a great fan of the new Balanced Wafter range, either in a dedicated match for my main bait or as a brightly coloured attractor over the top. I vary between these round baits and the Dumbell Hookers, depending on where I’m fishing - I find the Dumbell Hookers are great for tricky fish on day ticket waters etc. Once again, I’ll boost the attraction and harden the baits by either dunking them in an a Dedicated Hookbait Enhancement System or Activator or, more often than not, I add a small amount to the pot and soak them this way.


Enhance your boilies the Laney way!

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