How do carp actually feed in weed?
Fish expert, James Anderson reveals how carp actually feed in one of the best features on a lake: weed
Different types
“Aquatic weed forms an important part of the habitat within the lakes that we fish,” explains Anderson. “It provides shelter for fish and invertebrates as well as providing nutrients into the food chain that feeds all of the animals in the ecosystem. Weed is a natural feeding area for fish as it is full of food such larvae and freshwater shrimp, yet often anglers are not keen to fish on, in or near it. Some types of weed lend themselves better to fishing over than others. Big beds of Canadian Pondweed for example are very tricky to present a hookbait effectively over, yet beds of silkweed can be fished relatively easily.”
At all levels
“When carp are feeding on invertebrates in weed, they are digging deep to access the inverts that are situated at different layers within it. When baiting a bed of silkweed you have to think of it on a 3D plan rather than the 2D surface of say, a gravel bed. I often recommend baiting with lighter feed items such as hemp, pellets, corn and crushed boilies when fishing over silkweed beds. These items tend to sit on the weed more and not sink out of sight.”
Clear a spot
“Even so, feed items settle within several layers of the weed giving the three-dimensional baited spot. This really gets the carp rooting around digging up the weed as they search for each feed item using the taste buds located on their lips and barbels. This feeding action over time begins to clear an area if bait is repeatedly applied and eventually the gravel substrate will be exposed.”
The safe zone
“Carp feel safer in and around weedbeds and generally feed a lot more confidently, and this will make them more likely to make mistakes and therefore easier to catch. It’s much easier to hide your end tackle when fishing in silkweed which makes it very hard for the carp to detect. A pop-up is the perfect presentation in weed as it keeps the hook clear of fouling and doesn’t look out of place popped up as all of the loose feed is at different layers. So why not give it a go, embracing the green stuff will catch you fish!”