April 2025 Issue
Andre De Wet Rigs

How JRC's TT Range Came To Fruition

We ask JRC's Andre De Wet everything you need to know about the new JRC Terminal range!


How long has a terminal tackle range been on JRC’s radar? 
“It was on our radar for a longer period, but approximately two years ago we started executing the plan. It’s taken that long as we wanted to test each item correctly and thoroughly.”

How many items make up the terminal tackle range? 
“We now have 67 items in the TT range.”

What are your favourite pieces and why?
“It has to be rig tools and hooks. The latter are very strong and extremely sharp. I fish a very weedy lake and need a strong hook that won’t open up or break. I believe the product developers have achieved a perfect balance between strength and zero compromise on sharpness.”

Could you talk us through that hook range—how many patterns and sizes do you have? 
“We have six different patterns, varying from ‘old school’ to revamped classics which have changed ever so slightly, and a couple of new patterns. Each hook pattern is available in two or three sizes—we made the choice to pick the most used sizes to have a firm and logical selection.”


What is your personal preference when it comes to rigs? What set-ups do you use and what components do you use to construct them? 
“I keep my fishing relatively simple and use a basic Knotless Knot Hair rig for most of my fishing. The only difference is, I use an Overhand knot on the bend of the hook. This rig is tied using a size 4 or 6 Kurve Shank hook (depending on the size of the hookbait) and combined with the Supple Braid in Combo Camo in 25lb. A small piece of shrink tubing and a tungsten sinker 10mm below the hook completes the set-up.

“When I know there are crayfish or nuisance fish around I will use a Ronnie/Spinner Rig with a fluorocarbon boom, and again a Kurve Shank hook—this is to ensure the rig resets itself. The components I use are the 20lb Fluorocarbon hooklink, a Ronnie Swivel, with a size 4 or 6 Kurve Shank hook with a micro ring swivel, hook bead and a piece of silicone tubing to keep the hook and swivel together.”

Will there be a return of the legendary JRC 360 Hook pattern at some point?!
“For now, no, as we have loads of new stuff planned first. But never say never…”

Will the range be expanded into mono and braided main lines?
“I would focus on the TT for now but there is a possibility in the future.”

Is there likely to be more items added to the terminal tackle range in the future? 
“For sure! We are definitely going to expand in the near future. Terminal tackle is a really interesting product group, where adding stuff makes it interesting.”

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