How tie Mark Pitchers' maggot rig
Follow these simple steps to tie the perfect maggot rig for winter...
1 These are all the components needed for Mark’s Maggot Rig.

2 Start by cutting away 14-inches of Camotex for the hooklink.

3 Strip back a few-inches of the coating to expose the soft braid.

4 Whip the hooklink onto the hook with a Knotless Knot like so.

5 The rig doesn’t require a Hair so trim the tag end off like this.

6 Cut the hoop section away from a red Zig Aligna Sleeve next.

7 Thread the sleeve onto the hooklink, and down the hook shank.

8 Nick two fake rubber maggots onto the hook as pictured here.

9 Add a small PVA mesh bag of wrigglers and it’s ready to go!