April 2025 Issue
CARPology Rigs

How to fish over weed effectively

What is a Parachute Rig? Someone recommended this to me as I am fishing a water with light weed. Gavin Jordan

Peter Kingsbury says: “A Parachute Rig is basically a presentation that uses a solid PVA bag with air trapped inside it. The air inside the bag will naturally slow the descent of your rig through the water and will also keep your hookbait above any weed. The result is that when the bag melts it gently deposits your hookbait and freebies lightly on top of the weed.

“I have used this method to great effect, but I have come up with what I think is a better way of achieving this presentation. Firstly, you need to make a hooklink around eight- to ten-inches. I prefer to use a green supple braid from Gardner called Trickster Heavy as it will act more naturally. Then using a Gardner Micromesh PVA System, I first put in six nuggets of Dissolving Rig Foam and push the foam down in the tube with a plunger. Then I place in my freebies e.g. crushed baits and whole baits inside. Finally, I cut the PVA so I have a tag end of about two inches and use this to attach the bag to the hook.

“The finishing touch is putting another foam nugget over the hook point. This is then all ready to be cast to the desired spot. Once on the money, you just have to settle everything and wait to see the foam hit the surface giving you an accurate marker to put out some more freebies. Job done! Hopefully it’s just a case of sitting back and waiting for the action to commence.”
