How to make a carp smoothie
Soups or clouding agents are a massive edge regardless of the time of year...
Soups or clouding agents can then be used to glug boilies, pellets, Mixers, added into any Stick, bag or spod mix or literally poured or Spombed into the lake, creating a massive cloud of attraction. The idea with these ‘carp smoothies’ is to give the carp something that will grab their attention with certain ingredients in this mix which will tickle their taste buds and actually make them really want to feed… So get blending!
What you need:
Pilchards in tomato sauce
DNA Secret 7 Pellets
DNA Betaine HCL
DNA Fish Hydro
1. Start by emptying three cans of pilchards in tomato sauce into a food processor.
2. Add in some DNA Secret 7 Pellets, a pinch of salt and some Betaine.
3. Now for the first of two major ingredients which go in the mix: DNA’s Fish Hydro. This amino rich, salmon-derived hydrolysate liquid is incredibly attractive and works so well in a carp smoothie.
4. And just before you hit the ‘on’ button, add a good helping of water. Remember: the consistency needs to be thick but still slightly runny.
5. Once this is all mushed up, you then need to add the second of the two major ingredients: casters. It isn’t the most pleasant experience, but the end result is one very attractive carp smoothie.
6. Decant into bottles and freeze for a later date if you don’t need to use them right away.