How to make critically-balanced hookbaits
Fareham, Sharp and co’s bottom bait rigs all have a critically-balanced hookbait.
ometimes the whole idea of rolling your own custom hookbaits isn’t just about leaning toward your favourite flavours or increasing attraction, sometimes the make-up of your hookbait has a more technical role to play. The function of the hookbait detailed this month does exactly that: to aid rig mechanics. And by combining the perfect mix of weight and buoyancy you can create a critically-balanced wafter which will improve any bottom bait rig set-up.
You can of course deviate from the Cell flavour label we have used here, but the process remains the same in forming a wafting hookbait that will react instantly and positively to the investigation of feeding fish. Here’s how it’s done…
The recipe
Production time Approximately 90 minutes
Ingredients 5ml Cell Activator, Cell Dedicated Base Mix, Polaris Pop-Up Mix and one egg.
Equipment: Mixing bowl, measuring syringe or pipette, fork, spoon(s), saucepan and sieve or strainer and towel or air-dry tray.
Ready-to-use in… 24hrs air-drying - preferably five to seven days.
How to
Begin by creating a ‘rough’ balanced base mix by adding three tablespoons of Cell Base Mix to a plastic bag.
Add five tablespoons of Polaris Pop-Up Mix to the plastic bag next – note this mix may not be correct just yet.
Now blow some air into the bag, twist the top and give it a good shake until the contents are evenly mixed.
Crack the egg into the mixing bowl next before adding 5ml of Cell Activator and lightly whisking together.
Next step, add the dry mix a little at a time. Mixing with a fork then by hand to slowly build-up the paste.
You’re looking for a consistency where the paste no longer sticks to your hands and the texture is firm yet pliable.
Roll a single ‘paste’ hookbait and add to the Hair of your chosen rig like so before rolling the remaining paste.
Check the hookbait balance and add base mix (weight) or Polaris Mix (buoyancy) accordingly and check again.
Once you have a perfectly balanced bait, roll the paste, boil for two minutes and air-dry on a towel before storing.