CC Moore
CARPology Features

How to make less noise when spodding bait out

And more importantly, make life a lot easier when it comes to reeling it back in

Spodding is a very popular form of baiting up in modern-day carp fishing. It means you can deliver particles and smaller items of food at far greater distances than can be achieved with a catapult or baiting spoon.

There are many different spods on the market and they each have different properties for delivering different food items at a variety of ranges. However, they all have one thing in common: they make a lot of disturbance when being retrieved. Not only that, they can also be very tiring because the spod creates lots of water resistance. Here is a fantastic method you can use to make it quieter and easier to retrieve your spod!

Step 01

Firstly, drill a small hole in the nose of your spod (we recommend Gardner’s Pocket Rocket spod) and thread a piece of strong mono line (20lb or above) through the hole and tie it to a rig ring inside the spod to stop it pulling back through.

Step 02

Get yourself an 8mm rubber bead (ESP do them) and thread it onto your main line and fix it between either two small split shots or a couple of Overhand Knots. You need to do this between six- and eight-inches up your main line.

Step 03

Attach your spod to your main line via the piece of mono coming from the nose cone. To do this, first attach a strong swivel to the piece of mono and then tie this to the main line. By using a swivel it will help avoid the dreaded line twist.

Step 04

Fill up the spod and then hook the original spod tail on the 8mm rubber bead. Once it hits the water, simply give the spod a couple of sharp knocks and the tail will come off the rubber bead leaving you to retrieve it nose first – making it easier and quieter.