CC Moore
CARPology Rigs

How to tie a harder-to-eject bottom bait rig

Follow these 15 simple steps to tie a much-harder-to-eject bottom bait rig...

You will need: Size 6 wide gape hook, 20lb stiff coated braid, 1.6mm shrink tubing, small rig rings, some small crimps, crimp tool

1 Start by taking a long length of stiff coated braid like so.

2 Attach your bait and then choose your Hair length.

3 Now fix the ring in place using an Overhand Knot.

4 Next, complete the whipping of a Knotless Knot.

5 Pierce a piece of shrink tubing and slide it onto a needle.

6 Pull the tubing down onto the hook’s eye like so.

7 Now slide a small crimp onto the hooklink.

8 Pass the other end back through the crimp.

9 Pull the loop down like so choose the length of your rig.

10 Now crimp the rig.

11 Trim your tag end down so it’s neat and flush.

12 Shrink the tubing at an angle using your kettle.

13 Now steam the whole rig straight like so.

14 Trim the tubing slightly, at an angle so it turns quicker.

15 It’s now ready for a carp not to be able to eject!