How to tie the ideal maggot rig
A refined, perfectly balanced maggot rig arrangement from Martin Pick
1 Start by taking a good length of Supernatural hooklink material.

2 Now whip your hook into place, creating a short Hair like so.

3 Next you need to take a 14-inch length of your IQ hooklink material.

4 Fold an inch or so at the end of the IQ over and then pinch it to create a kink.

5 Pass the braid through the IQ and then whip around it six times.

6 Group the whipping up neatly as Martin has done here.

7 Now whip twice back down over the whipping you just did.

8 Expose the loop in the IQ so you can pass the tag back through…

9 …Going through the opposite way to that of the end attached to the hook.

10 Now wet it and pull both tags end of the braid and the IQ.

11 Trim the tags using some sharp scissors and move onto Step 12.

12 You should now have something that looks like this – neat and strong.

13 Next you need to mould a very small piece of putty around the knot.

14 Slide some shrink tube down onto the eye of the hook and shrink.

15 Slide a small piece of foam onto the hair before adding the maggots.