How to tie the Longshank Blowback Rig
Follow these simple steps to tie a Longshank Blockback rig...
1. Start off by attaching a longshank hook to your chosen hooklink material with a simple Knotless knot.
2. Trim off excess as the hookbait will be mounted on a rig ring, not a hair.
3. Push 1cm of 0.5mm silicone tubing up over the eye of the hook as shown.
4. Thread a Gardner Tackle Covert Hook Stop onto the hook, so that the widest end is facing up the shank.
5. Thread on a rig ring and a second hook stop as shown here.
6. Create a loop knot. We recommend adding an extra twist to make the knot 'Figure of 16' as this is stronger with braids.
7. With the extra twist it is a little trickier to bed the knot down. Take your time as a stronger knot is worth the effort.
8. Smear rig putty down the hooklink to make it sink like a stone.
9. The finished rig - just waiting for a pop up to be tied onto the rig ring.