CC Moore
Terry Hearn Features

Is there such a thing as a sixth sense?

The biggest names in carp fishing pick Terry Hearn's brain - this time, Leon Bartropp asks the questions...

The big question

“I’m a great believer in going with your sixth sense or gut feeling, but do you buy into that sixth sense theory that I believe anglers that have been at it a longtime all seem to have or do you just go on what you see and hear for location?”

“I think this is a brilliant question – good old Leon, it’s nice that someone else feels the same way. I do think there is some kind of sixth sense, and who knows, in years to come we may learn more about it and maybe people will be able to tap into it a bit better.

“A sixth sense, enhanced intuition, whatever you want to call it, it’s something that all anglers that have been fishing a long time have got. But, I do think you have to be on your own to properly tune into it. It’s what I mean when I say ‘in the zone’. You can go through the motions, fishing pretty effectively for long periods of time, but when you really, really get into it, you hit a different level – you get ‘into the zone’. I regularly see it in other anglers, but nobody can be like that all the time. Every so often you get so into it, so in-tune that you aren’t just one step ahead, you are two steps ahead of the carp and the other anglers.

“So yeah, I do believe there is something, but whether sixth sense is the right description I don’t know, but certainly a heightened sense of carpy intuition and awareness.”