CC Moore
CARPology Reviews

Kodex GenomicMGP Wide Gape Hooks

Hooks with the very sharpest points needn’t cost a small fortune, as Kodex have proved!

We all know that size isn’t everything, right? Well, Kodex is proving that it applies in the tackle industry. Their range of eye-wateringly sharp Genomic MGP hooks are every bit as good as those put out by the big boys. How? Well it’s all thanks to the latest in hook-manufacturing tech. Kodex sunk their R&D budget into developing a micro-grinding process that produces what we reckon are some of the very sharpest, out-of-the-packet hooks out there.

So what of the other features? Well, the steel is high-quality 130-grade carbon that offers top-notch strength and durability, and it’s finished with a dull, non-flash black coating for ultimate rig concealment. The bend and a portion of the shank is flat-forged to give the Wide Gapes serious stopping power too.

Rather than opting for a beaked point, like so many other patterns of this ilk, the Genomic version has a straight point, which when allied with the wide gape, give supreme pricking and hooking potential. The eye, and the point are angled in slightly; a configuration that will promote the most secure hook holds going, boosting your hooked-to-landed ratio in one fell swoop.

We’ve been quietly impressed by the Genomic Wide Gape, a strong, subtle, super-sharp pattern that’s seriously affordable. With hook prices on the rise everywhere thanks to a weakening pound, we’d have no hesitation in pointing you towards this pattern.

“GIMME”: £2.99 per pack of 10;

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