April 2025 Issue
CARPology Reviews

Korda Floss Caps

Look, we know you’re happy blobbing bait floss to attach your baits, but that was until you saw these!

Korda just knows how to make our lives easier. It’s been a huge part of the reason that Danny Fairbrass’ Essex end tackle leviathan has done so well. In the shape of these new Floss Caps, they’ve once again come up trumps and made baiting your Hair that much easier when using bait floss. As you’d expect, the appeal of the Floss Caps doesn’t end there either; they only make your hookbait more attractive too! How? Read on…

The Big Questions

Floss what?
Floss Caps! They’re basically little gadgets that help you to bait your Hair when using bait floss. So, they’re perfect for the IQ D Rig, Amnesia D, or any set-up that incorporates either a rig ring or a micro swivel. You set your rigs up completely as normal and use the caps to make baiting your Hair much quicker and easier.

How do they work?
Right, so you’ll need a braid needle (Korda makes one that’s perfect for the job) and some bait floss to use with these little things. You can either push the Floss Cap into the bait and push the needle through the whole lot, or pierce the bait, slide it onto the floss and push the Floss Cap on after, via its slot. Once on, you simply burn the floss down with a lighter and allow the blob that forms to butt up against the cap – job done!

Sounds great, but what’s in the range?
Okay, so you’ve got Clear Caps, which have been designed for use with any bait (so you can see the bait colour though the cap, as if the cap wasn’t there!), or Pink/Yellow and White/Red Caps, which make great sight bobs to attract the attention of passing carp.

Other benefits?
Yes, absolutely! The Caps have a much greater surface area than a simple blob of melted floss, so they help hold your bait much more effectively when you’re going for a big cast. Basically, you can use much softer baits than you could if you were simply blobbing floss down.
“GIMME”: £2.99 for 20 Caps

The Floss Caps in action…

1 Rig choice is down to you, but today we’re tying up the Spinner Rig.
2 The first job is to gently open up the QC which comes looped on the Booms.
3 The ideal hook for the Spinner Rig is the uniquely shaped Krank hook.
4 Take your chosen hook and attach it to the QC as shown here.
5 Using a pair of pliers (Krimping Tool is ideal), close the QC like so.
6 Next you need to cover the clip and hook eye using a size Medium Kicker. -
7 Pass the fat end of the Kicker over the hook point and thread it down the shank.
8 Now you need to thread over the point a Hookbait Swivel and Hook Bead.
9 And now it’s time to take one of your chosen coloured Floss Caps.
10 Thread said Floss Cap and your chosen pop-up onto a Braid Needle.
11 Pass a piece of floss through the Hook Swivel and pull everything onto the floss.
12 You then simply trim the tag ends and then burn them with a lighter.
13 The end result is a super neat, no-knots-required way of securing your hookbait.