Luke Stevenson's Boosted Krill Boilies
Want to enhance the pulling power of freezer baits ahead of a session? Luke explains...

The Krill is a devastating bait straight out of the bag, but as the boilies thaw, I still like to add my own twist to help ramp up its attraction in the warmer months. So much attraction is lost in the boiling process. I like to add both liquid and powdered attractors to help replace the content lost in the boiling water. L-Zero-30-T is the perfect complement to The Krill. It’s high in natural salts and has a great amino acid profile. The trio of Pure Betaine Powder, GLM and rock salt round off the boilies nicely. It might be just a simple process, but it gives me so much more confidence, and that is key with any aspect of angling.
What you need:
l The Krill Freezer Boilies (16mm)
l L-Zero-30-T
l Pure Betaine Powder
l Rock salt
1. Empty frozen boilies into a large bucket

2. Pour a good helping of L-Zero-30-T over the boilies and shake to coat them evenly

3. Add a liberal dose of the GLM and Betaine Powder

4. Add a few handfuls of rock salt to cure the baits and leave to stand for at least 48hrs before your session