New acquisition
Totally waterproof, silent, unbreakable: that’s ATT’s bite alarms summed up in a sentence. And thanks to Gardner Tackle’s successful acquisition, we can expect a whole lot more in the near future
Having been the sole worldwide distributor for ATT for many years, this month the Surrey-based fabric/plastic/metal manufacturer, Gardner Tackle, has made the decision to take on this prestigious bite alarm and electronics company. And whilst they will be working closely in conjunction with ATT founder, Tom Wright, with a view to launching an exciting range of new bite alarm products in the near future, right now here’s a recap of some of their current tried, tested, trusted and award-winning products they offer… gardnertackle.co.uk
1. The ATTx Deluxe Receiver
Just like its silent partner, the Deluxe Receiver is compact, simple to use and exceptionally reliable. It comes with a rubberised ergonomic finish, features 10 volume settings, 20 tone settings, takes up to 10 heads and has seven colour options in total. “GIMME”: £134.99
2. ATTx Receiver Lanyard
Behold a great ATT branded item that has a multitude of uses. Whilst its intended use is to secure your remote sounder box around your neck, it can also be used to keep the following together: keys, baiting tools, sunnies. “GIMME”: £2.99
3. The ATTs (Silent) Alarm System
In 2008, ATT Tackle launched the smallest bite alarm the market had ever seen: a teeny 34 x 21 x 62mm – making it adorable to all Steve Neville users. It was 100% water-tight, had a built-in transmitter, featured no buttons, knobs or switches, a patented ‘no false beeping’ system and the very high ears will stop rods pulling away to the side – and off into the lake. Eight years on and nothing’s changed, except now its fan base includes Gaz Fareham and Lewis Read. “GIMME”: £75.99
4. Custom Colour Wheels
Increase or decrease the sensitivity of your ATT alarms whilst giving them a fancy flash of colour. Along with six different colours (Pink, Deep Blue, Deep Green, Deep Red, Solid Red and Gold) there’s three magnet options: 2 magnets means the receiver beeps once per 1cm of line movement; 4 magnets 0.5cm and 6 magnets 0.25cm. “GIMME”: £8.80
5. Bivvy Table Cradle
So you’ve invested in a stunning set of ATT alarms, now give that receiver the perfect home. The all-rubber construction gives maximum grip for both the surface on which it stands and the receiver inside. Suitable for both V1 and V2 systems. “GIMME”: £4.99