April 2025 Issue
Oli Davies Features

Oli Davies: Photographer, Film Maker, Carp Angler

“The lake I can’t wait to go back to is Haga in Sweden. Set in the middle of a remote pine forest, and full of scaly beauties.”


Get to know Oli Davies with this simple Q&A, what would your answers be?

The last thing I bought and loved was my Pioneer DJ Controller. I’ve still got my Technics but now I’m a slightly more up to date bedroom DJ!

With time on my hands it would be nice to really pick and choose when I went fishing, and where. I think that’s everybody’s dream right? Freedom to go when you fancy it, for as long as you want, free of responsibility and nagging! To be fair I’m not far off that now!

I have a collection of way too many pairs of Air Max 1. Or at least the missus says I have way too many pairs. I reckon I could squeeze a couple more in!

I’ve recently discovered orange is the new pink

My favourite lake and swim is Horton’s Boat Pool, and more particularly the Concrete Swim. Convenient and prolific is a very attractive combination, the halfawrap opportunities and the carp aren’t bad either!

In my bait bag you’ll always find Scopex Squid Flake and Pellet and some pink pop-ups. Carp everywhere eat it!

The game-changing moment which changed everything for me was realising that I hated camping in a swim with no carp in.

The podcast I’m listening to is not a podcast. I am not really a fan of that format personally. When you spend a lot of time talking about fishing, listening to more talking about fishing is a bit dull isn’t it? I’ve got a USB full of music, mostly drum and bass. Old skool ain’t I! That said, if I was to listen to a fishing podcast, it would definitely be the ‘Off The Hook’ Nash one!


The lake I can’t wait to go back to is Haga in Sweden. Set in the middle of a remote pine forest, and full of scaly beauties, it’s carp heaven and 12hrs wasn’t long enough last time.

The one angler I’d love to fish with (dead or alive) if I could, is Rasta Tony who I fished with a bit, over 25 years ago. He was a proper character but also a very tidy angler. I sometimes think about him and wonder if he is still fishing?

The tech I couldn’t do without is my super-duper bright Petzl head torch. Weak ass carpy head torches… been there, done that, and I’m well over it.

An indulgence I would never forgo is full fat milk and two sugars in my coffee and tea. 

A recent “find” is those little Starbucks Expresso doubleshot in a tin. Red Bull for those that don’t like Red Bull.

The tackle items I would never part with are my game-changing Bushwhacker and 9ft Scopes. Bury me with ‘em, please?

My favourite apps are Google Maps and the Apple weather app that’s preloaded on the iPhone. It’s actually pretty good with the basics and accurate about local rainfall, which is all I’m really interested in so I know whether I need to put a shelter up or not.

If I wasn’t doing what I do, I would be doing whatever it took to make sure I could go fishing regularly. I’ve had various different jobs and always been prepared to get my hands dirty when I have to. Making music would be pretty cool, though.

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