Adam Penning's Big-Carp Groundbait
Match anglers know how effective certain groundbait mixes can be for various species, so why shouldn’t carp anglers have their own favourites?

“With there being so many trends in modern carp fishing, going against the grain can provide the key to unlocking a water that’s proving your nemesis,” states Adam Penning. “Over the years, I’ve really fine-tuned this type of feed to what it is today: an attraction-packed groundbait that far surpasses any over-the-counter mix. The response you get from this supercharged combination is off the scale, the key being that the liquids binding the mix make it pulsate with all the natural goodness within. The trick is to add them a little at a time until the mix will bind, but easily break apart—almost like a bomb hitting the lakebed and exploding!”
What you need:
Krill Active Mix
Krill Powder
2.3mm Bloodworm Pellets
GLM Powder
Betaine Powder
Calanus Liquid
Pure Shrimp Liquid
1. Pour equal quantities of Krill Active Mix and Krill Powder into a bucket

2. Add pellets (around a third of the total volume)

3. Season the mix with a dusting of GLM and Betaine Powder

4. Mix the dry ingredients together

5. Add Pure Calanus Liquid and mix together until glazed (not fully damp)

6. Pour in some Pure Shrimp Liquid and mix
Note: Add the liquids slowly, mixing as you go and being careful not to overdo it. The finished mix can be used after half an hour, and should be light and fluffy.