How to tie Adam Penning's subtle maggot rig
The maggot arrangement you see before you is a subtle and tailored version of a rig that James Armstrong showed Adam almost a decade ago. “Although James took me through the steps on how to tie it, I believe that big-carp man, Nigel Sharp, originally designed it,” explains Penners.

The presentation starts with tying a small size 12 hook to a length of supple braid. This hook must be barbless so that you don’t burst the maggots when threading them on. With the tiny hook tied on, you then thread down a grain of buoyant corn. Take note of how it is threaded (the fat end at the base); this is important to the way that the hook sits inside.
Adam is all about finesse in winter, so he uses a light, thin mono for the hooklink material. Push the first tag through the eye of the hook and whip the monofilament Knotless Knot style over the braid, before going back through the eye and then trim the tag end. Finally, blob the braid with a lighter to secure and neaten up. Add putty an inch from the hook.
To attach your maggots, simply remove the little hook and begin to nick them on one-by-one. Adam usually adds five or six maggots before sliding the point back into the corn. It takes minutes to do unlike a conventional maggot set-up, which usually requires a sewing needle and dental floss. Not only that, it’s neat and tidy too and the corn balances the rig.
Certain waters will respond better to particular colours so Adam always has a plethora of different colours in his armoury: white, red, green or some of the more conventional yellows and oranges all have their day. He also loves the glow-in-the-dark corn; the extra bit of colour it gives off at night could be just enough to tempt that valuable coldwater take.