April 2025 Issue
CARPology Ologyfix

How to tie the 'Messi' Maggot Rig

A neat little set-up that RidgeMonkey’s Gareth Evans has come up with...

This clever little maggot presentation has made the headlines before, both in a previous edition of CARPology and also in our OlogyFix book (published 2018). However, it’s such a neat little set-up that RidgeMonkey’s Gareth Evans has come up with, we felt we needed to showcase it to those who missed it the first time around. “I refer to it as ‘The Messi’ stands Evens: small and subtle, but a bloody good kicker without any unnecessary fuss! It’s light and nimble yet ruthlessly aggressive in the danger zone!”

Stiff coated hooklink material
2.5mm rig rings
Beaked point hook (size 8)
Fake sweetcorn

1. Strip back two-inches of the coating and tie on the 2.5mm rig ring.
Thread on your piece of fake sweetcorn, flat-sided, and position it against the rig ring.
3. Whip on your Beaked Point hook (Knotless Knot style, making around five turns) and then using a stripper tool, remove all the coating an inch from the hook; this will create a lovely kicker as you can see.
4. At the other end, tie either a Figure-Of-
Eight-Loop knot or direct to your swivel using a Grinner.
5. Now for the maggots! Thread five or six onto a length of bait floss and then tie this onto the rig ring using a couple of Granny Knots. Attach a small bag of pellet or maggots and away you go. Deadly - just like Messi!

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