April 2025 Issue
CARPology Other Stuff

10 Of The Biggest Trends That Are Circulating!

10 trends that are circulating (or are coming soon)!


01 Casters
Maybe Terry Hearn has shares in the country’s top maggot breeders, but we suspect this summer’s Out Of The Blue YouTube video featuring the ESP legend will once again send plenty of us scurrying to the tackle shop for crunchy chrysalises. And then he’ll start another trend when he releases the floater vid he jokes about in the film!

02 Not weighing your fish
Failing to disclose weights can obviously be a ploy to make your carp appear larger, or at least ambiguously sized, but there does seem to be a growing band of high-profile anglers genuinely not fussed by pounds and ounces. Alan Blair rarely get fixated by scales and you’ll never see a bouncing needle in a Carl & Alex vid. Fine by us as long as we can all agree to retire the hackneyed ‘weight’s irrelevant when they look like this’ soundbite!

03 Delaying the release of fish pics
Maybe it’s done to avoid attracting attention or revealing things before a campaign is concluded, or maybe it’s a cynical attempt to ration regular content on social media, but we’re seeing more anglers (well known and unknown) casually releasing unseen fish pics with captions such as ‘one from last summer’ or ‘it all came together six weeks ago…’. Mixed in with Throwback Thursday (is that still a thing for anyone other than Julian Cundiff?) it’s terribly confusing. Life was simpler in the Carp-Talk days…

04 Aeropress 
These manual coffee filters are a bit like those Audis with the stupid scrolling indicators. Those who own them love them and reckon they’re the bees’ knees. Everyone else thinks you’re a bit of a kn*b. 

05 Eating well 
Bankside grub is an important part of the social-media eco-system (and Scott Lloyd’s monthly expenditure) but it seems eating properly on the bank is en-vogue right now. Plenty of big hitters have very visibly signed up to a fishing-specific delivery service lately, so we can’t be far away from branded cutlery and camo plates.


06 Gambling on Euro bait
Uh oh. We won’t start a Brexit debate here, but as we type it’s technically forbidden to take your own bait across the Channel, so crafty carpers are either buying boilies in Europe or having packages delivered to continental addresses and collecting them on the way to the lakes. It’s a trend we hope is short lived! 

07 Five-biggest-fish matches
Cumulative-weight matches have dominated for decades, but there are a few competitions right now being settled on competitors’ five biggest fish, which we reckon adds a bit of extra spice to proceedings. It means a pair of anglers could catch 100 fish and still lose to entrants bagging just five, but it certainly offers another tactical dimension. 

08 Photography
We’re all agreed, making fishing vlogs is HARD. It looked exciting, it looked cool, but crikey it’s a lot of work. Are we now seeing that realistion play out with more and more camera owners clicking the dial from Movie to Manual and taking beautiful stills instead of making time-consuming videos? We think it might just be creeping in.

09 Waiting lists
Hands up if the Covid angling boom caught you unawares and now you’re left without a decent ticket to your name. Okay, you can put them back down now. Plenty of us found the surge in popularity led to a huge demand for clubs and syndicates, and you’ve now put yourself down for 367 waiting lists with a combined wait longer than a Kevin Ellis Rainbow vid. 

10 Sensible suncare 
Danny Fairbrass’s shocking appearance on a recent Korda Thinking Tackle Podcast was no laughing matter. If you watched or listened to it and don’t now treat the sun with more respect then you might want to rewind and start again. Long sleeves and factor 50 should become the new normal in carp angling. 

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