20 carp moments that you might have forgotten happened in 2008
Incredibly, it was a decade ago that we first got to use Mainline’s Cell and Jason Hayward revealed to the world the advantages of hook sharpening...

1. The French superwater
If the 90s was all about Les Quis and Fishabil when it came to commercial French pay lakes, the Noughties - in particular 2008 - was dominated by Maison Du Lac Bleu. This complex of four lakes played host to Korda’s annual ‘work jolly’; featured almost monthly in the magazines; and was the destination of choice when it came to filming various TV shows. But what’s happened to the complex since? Even a Google search doesn’t bring up any results…
2. A terminal tackle range
Think ‘JRC’ in 2018 and your mind will bring up bivvies, beds and luggage. But back in 2008, the now American-owned tackle giant launched an end tackle range under the watchful eye of Dave Lane called Connection.
3. No name’s new…
They say nothing’s new in carp fishing, and along with rigs that’s very true when it comes to product names. Nashbait might use the name ‘The Key’ in 2018, but a decade ago, Dorset-based bait company, CC Moore, launched a liquid called, yep, you guessed it: The Key.
4. Daiwa’s ugliest reel?
Granted, Daiwa have designed some of the most iconic reels in history: SS3000, Emblem S and Z models, GS3000, Gold Spools… But in 2008 they also launched quite possibly the ugliest. The promise was: “The performance and features of the Infinity X BR with the styling of a Tournament 5000 ST.” What we got was the Linear X: a light silver reel with a really long rear end and chunky free-spool lever.
5. Outstripping supply
Our Scottish buds redeemed themselves later that year though, by releasing a limited edition run of their famous SS3000 reel to mark their 50th anniversary. Although Daiwa wouldn’t give us specific figures at the time, demand was expected to outstrip supply by 200% - which it ultimately did - and even the likes of Terry Hearn and Nigel Sharp bought multiple sets.
6. The rig you’ve forgotten about
In the space of just ten years, the Shot On The Hook Rig (conceived by Frank Warwick maybe?) has gone from being featured almost monthly in the magazines to literally not being mentioned until we wrote this paragraph.
7. Thanks, Erics!
It was the year top tackle shop, Erics Angling, sponsored our Fitty of the Month page.
8. Huge game-changer
Remember: back in 2008 99.9% of the carp fishing population didn’t know about hand sharpening hooks and its benefits. So you can imagine the impact Jason Hayward’s two-parter in CARPology, explaining the virtues of using such a technique, had on everyone. Since they were published it’s consistently been our most requested back issue (we’ve long since sold out so we now send the first draft PDF’s!).
9. Weird reel seats
It was actually the Berkley Carp Team, headed up by Rob Hughes, who introduced this concept of reel seat to carp rods way back in 2004. However, 2008 saw a spike in manufacturers using them again. Thankfully in ‘18 everyone’s now using either Fuji 18mm DPS or ALPS’s in matt black.
10. The Cell launched
Like us, you’re probably amazed that the Cell has only been around for 10 years. But it really was in May 2008 when Mainline released it on general sale. Since then it’s racked up multiple awards, none more so than controlling 70% of all freezer bait sales in 2010.
11. The Rig
TV show Top Gear was racking up huge viewing figures and ‘The Stig’ was known worldwide, so naturally we invented ‘The Rig’ and used subtitles like this… ‘Some say he can bite through lead and that a stringer needle will go through one ear and out the other. All we know is, he’s called The Rig…’
12. Realtree covered… everything
Was 2008 the beginning of the end for Realtree camo patterns here in the UK? Since then, everything’s gone from being caked in Wetlands and Advantage Timber patterns to the most simplistic DPM pattern.
13. Record carp
Carp records have boomed over the last ten years. Back in 2008 the British record was held by Oz Holness and weighed 67lb 8oz and the world record was 91lb - The Scar Fish from Graviers in France. Now it’s 108lb from Euro Aqua!
14. Inflatable mattresses
It’s hard to imagine bedchairs with cam-wheels and without mattresses nowadays. But back in ‘08 manufacturers were offering all manner of comfort devices, such as Trakker’s inflatable mattress which didn’t just end with great levels of comfort. Once blown up, that layer of air acted as an insulator too.
15. More than a permit
In 2008, CEMEX Angling launched what they thought would be a revolutionary new membership scheme. It was called CEMEX Angling Plus and cost £35.00 a year. In return for your fee, you received a member’s magazine, vouchers, exclusive offers and invites to special open days. The scheme was scrapped just 12-months later and less three years after that CEMEX sold off all its assets and closed its angling branch.
16. We had a big birthday
In the April of that year we published our 50th issue. It’s crazy to think we’ve since printed 2.5 times that amount!
17. Solar’s gold bling
Today’s angler wants minimal: matt black sticks, zero rod graphics, teeny white PTFE bobbin heads. A carp angler in 2008 could have pulled out these 24-carat beauts - leaving envious eyes to burn a hole in their Savile Row fishing outfit…
18. The world’s lightest reel
Just when we thought big reels couldn’t get any lighter, Daiwa emerged with this: the sublime and beautiful Basiair 45. It weighed a featherweight 445g - that’s a full 1.6ozs lighter than the 2004 launched Basia. It wasn’t cheap mind: a wallet-sweating £599.00. But in 2015 they made an even lighter and more expensive model, this time called the Basiair Z45QD. It weighs 440g and costs… wait for it… £1,050!
19. Ahead of the curve
Trakker are known for starting or jumping on trends early, but with their limited edition (just 250 made for the UK market) Black Series MK11 Armo’s they were 10 years ahead of this current ‘everything has to be black’ trend!
20. No social media or YouTube
Well, there was - Facebook launched in 2004 and YouTube in 2005 - but the first company to set-up an account on YouTube was Gardner in January 2009, who were shortly followed by Fox, Trakker, Nash and then Korda.