April 2025 Issue
CARPology Other Stuff

Swangey Lakes

A big carp hideaway in East Anglia holding fish to over thirty pound

Originally excavated during the 50s and 60s as working gravel pits, Swangey Lakes is situated near the rural town of Attleborough, just off the A11 and has been owned by a local farming family for 30 years. The gravel pits became fishing lakes in 1976, which today have matured into two, tranquil and picturesque lakes, stocked with large carp as well as bream and tench. Both lakes contain sizable carp, but it is the Main Lake that will appeal most to the specimen carp angler.

At five-acres in size, the lake holds plenty of features to explore. The topography of the lakebed is made up of silt with various gravel areas to be found, such as the bars and plateau dotted around the lake. There is a large island situated in the middle of the lake, which also makes a great feature to fish to from the central swims. As the lake narrows at one end, it also shallows to depths of a few feet, as opposed the depths of 15ft being found at the opposite wider end of the lake. At this shallower end there is also a ‘no-fishing’ bank, which provides a great marginal feature to cast to from the swims of the opposite bank. Five of the eighteen swims are big enough to be used as doubles and all the swims have recently undergone some refurbishment with new stone chippings being laid.

Everyone at the venue is more than willing to point you in the right direction, as to what the best tactics and most productive features will be and new visitors will not be met with a brigade of secret squirrels. For those anglers who prefer not having to cook on the bank, there is also ‘Angie’s’ catering van on-site, able to provide hot food, cold drinks or a ‘man-sized’ cooked breakfast should you desire it.

So big carp, a friendly atmosphere and cooked tucker – everything a day ticket carper could possibly need!

The vital information you need...

Biggest resident: Mirrors to 38lb and commons to 37lb.
Average fish size: Low-twenty.
Rough fish stock: 150 carp.
Going bait: Boilies and sweetcorn.
Local tackle shop: JMP Tackle (01953 455282) and Thetford Angling Centre (01842 821880).
Takeaways: A. K. Catering (07564 191060).
Rod limit: Three rods
Location: Attleborough, Norfolk, NR17 1XJ.
Contact: Swangey Lakes on 07597 754462.
Email: swangeylakes@hotmail.co.uk
Facilities: Toilets, disabled access and catering van.
Prices: £10 per 12hrs; £15 per 24hrs; Small Lake £7 for day, £12 for 24 hours.
Known summer areas/swims: All swims produce in the summer.
Bailiff's top tip: “Check the shallow areas of the lake in hot weather.”

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