Prologic Commander VX3 Brolly System
This laughs in the face of storm-force Northerlies...
If you’re a hardened brolly user, the chances are that you’ll still want to use one all winter (the chances are that you brush your teeth with wire wool too). If so, allow us to introduce the 60-inch Prologic Commander VX3, the brolly system that’s as tough as you are.
First thing to note; it’s a full system, which naturally includes a zip-in groundsheet (yes, you read right, we’ll come to that) and zip-in front panel. With a whole four storm poles as standard, as well as a clever peak support bar, the Commander stands firm in the face of weather that would leave lesser brollies looking like a smashed old bike wheel!
The front and rear of the system boast mozzie-mesh vents to allow air to circulate when we finally emerge from this winter, and the footprint of this generous 60-inch shelter has a flat back to allow even quite big beds to be pushed up against it, giving Tardis-like room inside.

So, that groundsheet! Prologic has gone the whole hog and added a zip fitting, above ground level, which keeps the zip free from mud and keeps the damp out of your perfectly sealed capsule! The front door can be zipped up or down, which means that if things get really bad, you can letterbox the door and the peak of the shelter will keep driving rain out, while you watch for fish warm and dry inside.