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CARPology Reviews

Avid Are Levelling Up

Avid have worked ‘flat out’ on the new Benchmark beds


It’s been a number of years since Avid first brought memory-foam mattresses to the carp market with the launch of the groundbreaking Benchmark range. Incremental improvements have been made along the way and now we’ve arrived at the LevelTech versions, which come in two sizes with or without integral sleeping bags. Here’s what’s new…


1. Fresh legs
These new beds get their LevelTech tag from the new leg system which supports them. With a patent pending, these are unique in the market. Unlike traditional supports which rely on pins or springs to extend and hold the legs—and which can slip over time—these versions have a neat track-and-tooth system, held in place with opposing magnets rather than springs, which simply does not budge.


2. As level as it gets
Perhaps derided as a gimmick by those young enough and lucky enough to have yet to suffer crippling backache, the addition of two spirit levels on these beds might just be very handy for many anglers. Positioned on the throw hinges they help you set the beds dead level, which, as we all know by now, is far better for your back in the long run.


3. More space
The system versions of these beds—that’s the ones with built-in sleeping bags—have had that integral duvet shape tweaked. A larger void at the foot end has been added to allow for more movement for your feet and get rid of the tight, tapered feeling found on some other similar bag-and-bed systems. 

4. Extra legs
The wider versions of these bedchairs and systems now come with four sets of legs, which marks a return to the layout seen on the original larger Benchmark beds. With two sets of legs in the middle and another at both the head and foot end there’s much more stability for larger anglers. 


5. Waterproof outer
A key feature of the new system versions is the addition of a waterproof outer layer on the sleeping bags, which gives the bags a five-season rating and does away with the need for a cover. There’s also a new external baffle to ward off draughts and improved internal baffles with webbing to stop the zips snagging. 

Find out about the new Benchmark ThermaTech Sleeping Bags here!

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