April 2025 Issue
CARPology Reviews

Bait-Tech Poloni range

Bait-Tech’s Poloni: two years in the making, thousands of rod-hours testing, and this is the result: a completely irresistible bait package

1. Groundbait

Bait-Tech already produces some of the best groundbaits on the market, but this Poloni boilie version gives you a new big edge. From Stick mixes to stiffening up spod mixes to straightforward groundbait bait, this covers and attracts the lot. “GIMME”: £5.99 for 2kgs;

2. The boilie

The Poloni is a rather special foodbait. Two years to perfect, responsible for numerous English forties and huge European brutes, it’s a high in protein, highly digestible, proven all-year round boilie. Created from a blend of eight secret herbs and spices, it gives out a constant release of attractiveness that doesn’t just wash out and therefore is effective for long periods of time. Available in 14 and 18mm in both shelf-life and freezer form. “GIMME”: £10.99 a kilo

3. Hookbaits

Add a bit of luxury to your bait bag (and brilliance) by opting for Bait-Tech’s diverse hookbait collection. The main attribute a good pop-up needs is reliable buoyancy – if it’s taking on water it can ruin a critically-balanced rig. Bait-Tech have addressed this issue by using one of the world’s most buoyant pop-up mixes and then added a good helping of the incredible Poloni flavouring. They’ve also made matching 14 and 18mm Wafters, Washed-Out Pop-Ups and 10x14 and 14x18mm Hardened Dumbbell Hookbaits. “GIMME”: From £4.99

4. Super CSL Liquid

Lurking inside these 1lt bottles is a specialist liquid that is intended as a dip or soak for your boiled food, pellets or add to any Stick or Method mix. You can’t overdo them, the carp can’t resist them, and they came in Natural, Chilli and Krill & Tuna. “GIMME”: £7.99