Crafty Catcher Floater Kit, Floaters & Floater Oil
The days of raiding the pet food isle at Tescos are over! Crafty Catcher can offer you better Mixers, plus perfect floater hookbaits and liquid attractant
1 Big Hit Floater Kit
“Summertime, and the livin’s easy…” sang Ella Fitzgerald. Lazy, hazy, sunny days filled with twelve hours of carp-catching opportunities for those willing to get off their bedchair and go and find them. How many times have you sat there kicking yourself for not having any mixers to hand, or even made the half hour round trip to the local Tesco Express to raid the pet food isle in desperation? Yep, we certainly have! Crafty’s Big Hit Floater Kit gives you everything you need all in one neat 5lt bucket that can stay tucked in your motor until that chance arises, which make no mistake, sometime this summer it will!
The 5lt bucket is brimmed with Crafty’s feed inducing turbo-charged Mixers and a handy little tub of softened floating hookbaits that can either be pierced, or threaded on a Hair. Everything you need to make the most of those upper layer chances this summer. At £12.99 every carper’s car should be carrying one.
2 Floater Oil
Ever wondered what you can do to pep your chances with a bag of mixers or floating trouties? Crafty have now given you a dedicated oil to use in conjunction with their Mixers or any other floating bait. Based on a complex combination of oils and extracts what you get is twofold: firstly, an added attractor blend that is working on multiple levels through the upper layers to help induce feeding, and secondly, a smooth slick that will flatten a ripple and give you the perfect window onto that feeding zone to help with the perfectly timed strike. At £9.99 the big 1lt bottle will probably last you
all summer.
3 Prepared Crafty Floaters
Hookbait choice is always a tricky one with floater fishing, pop-ups just seem a bit blatant, and plastic a bit uninspiring. Crafty have solved your dilemas here with a range of pre-softened and prepared dedicated floater hookbaits. Perfect for nicking directly onto your hook for a quick bite or threaded onto a Hair they are ultra buoyant and tough, exactly what you need from a hooker on the top. They also come in a range of Crafty’s tried and tested attractor blends so you now have the choice of Krill and Crustacean, Scopex, Strawberry or the old classic, Tutti. At £3.99 they won’t break the bank either so you can afford the options. Now… where’s that BBQ?
Ready-meal additives for carp
Crafty have just made boosting up spod mixes a damn sight easier with their new Spod Shots... It’s lid off, pour, mix, get Spombing!
Not got the time or inclination to sit and measure out half-a-dozen different liquids and attractors to go into your spod mix? Always forgetting to grab that can of tuna, or that bottle of oil to complete the mix? Crafty Catcher have designed the Spod Shots with the modern-day carper in mind, taking the need for multiple additions to your mix out of the equation and saving you time and money in the process.
The Spod Shots are effectively a one hit mix of everything you want from an attractor blend, but without the stress and hassle of having to create it yourself - think the difference between creating a Tikka Masala from scratch with twenty different spices, or grabbing your jar from Pataks.
Available in three classic combos to cover all bases: ‘Supersweet Coconut’ to compliment any nut/seed or creamy bait; ‘Hot Chilli’ that will pep up anything; and ‘Oily fish’ which would in our eyes be the perfect summer turbocharger to go with a fishmeal mix.
At £1.99 they will be an invaluable little pot of goodness to keep tucked away in your bucket to take the stress and time away from faffing around with multiple bottles, cans and additives for your spod mixes as that light fades on a Friday evening after a busy day at work. Ready meal additives for carp!