April 2025 Issue
CARPology Reviews

Crafty Catcher King Prawn

Today is a good day: after months of speculation, Crafty Catcher has finally released a freezer version of their 30-years-of-carp-catching-heritage-packed-into-a-round-ball King Prawn

Making the perfect foodbait is a science: it takes precision and know-how to get the desired result. And this is something Crafty’s MD, Cliff Davis, achieved back in 1985 with the King Prawn. Since then, it’s been updated and improved, with Cliff drawing on years of experimentation and knowledge, and today’s result is nothing short of sensational - especially as for the first time ever it’s available in a fresh frozen form…

King Prawn Freezer boilie

After months of anticipation, this spring finally sees a freezer version of the legendary King Prawn hit the chest-freezers. Whilst this 2016 version keeps very in-line with the original recipe – a simple fishmeal base mix with an alcohol-based flavour and some shrimp meal – it does now contain a few other extra niceties, such as brewers yeast, krill protein concentrate, Belechan fermented shrimp, LT fishmeals and liquid foods – all mixed and rolled (into 15 or 18mm balls) at the optimum level.

“GIMME”: 1kg, £8.99; 2.5kg, £19.99; copdockmill.co.uk

Washed Out Pop-Ups

Tie up a rig, attach one of these, and instantly you’ve got something that’s different to what most around you are using – i.e. yes, you’re using a high-attract hookbait which is kicking out a ton of attraction, but yours isn’t a blindingly bright yellow or white one, yours is a watered down pink or white. Now make a pre-celebratory cup of Tetley’s.

“GIMME”: £4.99

King Prawn Pop-Ups

Don’t fancy deviating too far from the hookbait rulebook? Then Crafty have these uber buoyant, tough and perfectly round darkish brown pop-ups which mimic the freezer baits in everyway.

“GIMME”: £4.99

Bait Booster

The central nervous system of productive short session fishing. Loaded with the best ratios of carp-attracting liquids – digestible fish proteins, meat proteins and amino acids – this stunning fat/food source is ideal for all-year-round use and also amazing at stopping silt impregnating your bait. And don’t be afraid to give your foodbait a good drink of this stuff – it can’t be overdone.

“GIMME”: £5.99 for 250ml