CC Moore
CARPology Reviews

Crafty Catcher Liquids & Big Hit Pop-ups

Turn your carp food into a sumptuous, luxurious affair thanks to Crafty’s latest liquid creation

The liquid world is rife with specious claims, but here’s an immutable truth: Crafty Catcher does it better than most. This new range from the Suffolk-based carp food behemoths, Easy Squeezy, comes in a number of flavour options and has been designed to deliver a prolonged and competitive feeding response to any food item it’s squirted across. Oh, and it has a neat nozzle to make loading bags up with liquid attractant a damn sight less messy. Crafty, we salute you! Now, to answer your questions…

The Big Questions

Hang on, Crafty already sells liquids just like these…
Well, you’re half right. They do already sell some liquids but they’re slightly different to these. ‘Crafty Liquids’, which come available in Hemp Oil, Chilli Oil, Fish Oil, Krill, Tiger Nut and CSL, are perfect for boosting boilies, pellets and particles.

So how do these differ?
These are more suited to soaking hookbaits and small amounts of baits (i.e. a PVA bag of pellets or a Stick) which
you want to hold a really high, intense amount of attraction and flavour.

Do I need to use a lot?
Whilst there’s no set usage level – so you can really coat whatever you desire heavily in the stuff – because they pack such a punch thanks to being so concentrated, you do only need a small amount.

What’s the pointed nozzle all about?
Because the liquids have been designed for this type of use - i.e. in bags and Sticks, Crafty have equipped the bottle with said pointed nozzle so you can pierce and fill a bag with total ease.

Clever. What flavours are available?
There are five in total, ranging from fruit, savoury and fish flavours. Chocolate and Vanilla Nut, Raspberry and Black Pepper, Spicy Krill and Garlic, Salty Tuna (NEW flavour combo), Coconut and Maple Cream, and they all come in a 150ml bottle. They’re the perfect antidotes to getting bites after that long winter we’ve all just endured. £2.99

Big Hit Pop-Ups: Next Level Attraction

Assuming you’ve left spring preparation until the last minute (yes, it’s almost spring out there), you need an emergency hookbait fix. First stop should be Crafty Catcher and second should be their new Big Hit Pop-Ups. Produced through popular demand to complement their existing Big Hit range of shelf-life boilies, these are double strengthened in flavour and highly visible in colouring.

Historically they’ve only been sold as “exclusive show specials”, but thanks to the Suffolk-based bait company’s customers having such tremendous results on them, Crafty have decided to launch them as part of their range in 2018.

Thanks to owning all three key elements that a successful pop-up needs: highly buoyant, brightly coloured and in the key effective flavours, Crafty’s new pops will see you gain an edge from then they go on general sale this month. Now whether that’s because you’ll use them for Zig baits (apple-cored is perfect); balancing snowman set-ups; cut in half and used as a little sight-bob; or just as a single, stand-along pop-up, you’ll have to decide. But in the meantime, have a gander at what mouth-watering flavours they’ve got to offer: Chocolate and Vanilla Nut, Raspberry and Black Pepper, Spicy Krill and Garlic, Salty Tuna, Coconut and Maple Cream. Now go double your spring-caught catchlist from last year. £2.99